


Preference enrolments describe a Catholic connection to the child enrolling and their family.  There are different levels of preference enrolment as follows:

  • 5.1 The child has been baptised or is being prepared for baptism in the Catholic Church.
  • 5.2 The child’s parents/guardians have already allowed one or more of its siblings to be baptised in the Catholic faith.
  • 5.3 At least one parent/guardian is a Catholic, and although their child has not yet been baptised, the child’s participation in the life of the school could lead to the parents having the child baptised.
  • 5.4 With the agreement of the child’s parent/legal guardian, a significant familial adult such as a grandparent, aunt or uncle who is actively involved in the child’s upbringing undertakes to support the child’s formation in the faith and practices of the Catholic Church.
  • 5.5 One or both of a child’s non-Catholic parents/guardians is preparing to become a Catholic.



At St Mary’s Catholic School, Putaruru, 5% of children with non-preference status may be on the school roll at any time, so spaces are limited.

If there are no non-preference positions at our school, parents are able to place their child's name on a waiting list. Children will be offered placement as vacancies occur in accordance with the following guidelines:

                     1) siblings of existing non-preference students

                     2)  students living within our parish boundary

                     3) children of staff members

                     4) students living outside our parish boundary

The date on which names are placed on the waiting list will define the priority within each of the above criteria.

Enrolment Contract      Student Record Form

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